Sunday, July 09, 2006


Twenty minutes ago, I left Miss M--tummy full of pasta and sauce, topped off with Ema's finest "nurse!"--drifting off to sleep.

Fifteen minutes ago, I wolfed down my second small lunch of the day. If I waited for another hour, there would always be the risk of being followed by someone demanding, "Try it! Please!"

Ten minutes ago, I noticed that Baby AM, who had been lying on his back, happily staring at the light from the windows, had rolled half to his tummy, found! his! thumb!, and had a sudden attack of heavy eyelids.

My dilemma: Pick him up, snuggle him, and hold him through his nap OR let him peacefully put himself to sleep, a skill his sister didn't master until she was about a year older than he is now.

It breaks my heart, but I left him where he was.

Oh, the guilt.

But here he is awake. My little cutie!

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